The Children’s Garden
helping children grow
The Children’s Garden: A fantastic community garden and educational hub at the heart of the Botanic Gardens Glasgow
Our aim is to get more children outside planting and growing, and to make the future more healthy and fruitful.
Phone for details -
John Hancox, Chair, the Children’s Garden, 0778 606 3918
The Children’s Garden is open to anyone to take part in. We are a voluntary group - and we’d ask that you join up by filling the attached form. This also has a statement that you will ensure that your child is supervised while at the garden. We are grateful for voluntary donations o too.
Children’s Garden Join Up form.doc
We started the Children’s Garden in 2004 and this year we’ll be celebrating 10 years of us helping Children Grow. The Children’s Garden is a great place for Children and their Families.
The Children's Garden has developed as a great place for children, friends and families. It's where you can play with your friends, plant seeds, water the plants, for games and cool outdoor stuff. We also harvest, cook and share some of the food that grows here.
Celebrating 10 years of the Children’s Garden
But it's also a place for the whole community to share - parents, grandparents and volunteers all help to make this work It's a space which schools and organisations working with children can use for a whole range of uses.
The Children’s Garden works with schools and community groups across Glasgow and also other parts of Scotland.
Our aim is to help schools develop food growing as part of the outdoor learning.
The Children’s Garden is a community led space - and we depend on volunteers and help from many people. Please help us make the garden grow
Our aims are to promote good healthy food, healthy outdoor exercise, friendship, arts and music, and to support schools (but not necessarily all at the same time!) In the ten years of The Children’s Garden we've done some of that, but there's plenty of scope to develop this remarkable project further.
How the Garden Grows!
FAQ’s and useful info
Who can get involved ? Anyone really - children, parents, grandparents and helpers.
Does it cost anything? No - though very happy to have donations to help us
Location: Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Volunteers We need committee members, artists, gardeners, storytellers,
We also welcome help from companies, to help get some of the heavier garden work done.
Contact us Give us a shout - John Hancox
0778 606 3918
Please note that Children at the garden have to be accompanied and supervised by parents, guardians or teaching staff.